Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Location Request

 I wrote an email to Hartlepool Marina asking for permission to use their premises to film part of our music video as I explained in the email.

I got a reply quickly from a woman named Emma, who I stayed in touch with most of the time whilst arranging permission. Fairly, they required I come down and show them where I want to film so they know if they need to redirect the public.

I offered to go that weekend to meet Dominic and show them where I wanted to film which was on the Boat, in the hallway and outside where we could light candles and not be stopped because of health and Safety reasons. 

I went to meet Dominic who was kind enough to give me a tour of where I could film and gave me the permission to use the Museum grounds for filming. I was given the busiest days and offered to film when the museum wasn't open to the public, which was great if I needed be. But I decided I could easily work around the public. He said he would like me to call in preferably 2 days before we are going to the museum filming, I agreed that was fine. 

Unfortunately when I went to call them two days beforehand but I was unable to get through to Emma so I left my number, I was told I'd get a call back that same day but sadly I did not. I tried again the next day and I left my number a second time and again I did not receive a call back. This was very frustrating as I was trying to arrange a time so that all members including the actors were able to come.

I was able to reply, and told Wendy a date and a time I wished to go and film at the museum, by this time I had to arrange this on the day. I told them we we're more likely to be a couple of hours simply due to the amount of shots we needed. I offered to work around the public, and try not cause any inconvenience. 

After getting a reply back from Emma, they required I bring my storyboard of my shots in like I promised Dominic, they told me a large school was coming on the same day as us so I needed to play where we were going to film at particular times.
I told her where our locations are going to be on their establishment and unfortunately I had forgotten the name of the hallway which we were going to film in. I also asked if we we're able to use the boat in which the museum owned. I gave them I time, me and my group would be appearing at the museum and that I would show them the storyboard before I set up any equipment.

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